Step into my office is inspired by a red table I saw at my boss’ house. From there I formed this idea about analogue-izing my contact list. How often do we put contacts in our phones and forget who they are. As I scroll through my 2,139 contacts I think about who each one is as I meditate on the keys clacking on Joseph Gruenthal’s keyboard. I invite people to sit in my office as I type away and we chat about their contacts, milkshake Mike and Scooter and friends we’ve had for 25 years, we also talk about forgotten contacts or the friends from our zen center.

Performed September 5th, 2021 at The Martin

Promo Photos by Bekah Wriedt


Thanks to Alonso Galue I performed Step into my office at Belong Gallery as part of the show All the Brokenhearted People. A stream of people rolled in as I typed away at my red table. A nephew of a friend of mine came through with only 11 contacts saved in his phone, others had over 8,000. We laughed about purging contacts, people we carrying around but have forgotten and longed for those we missed dearly

Performed September 18th, 2021 at Belong Gallery

Photos by Timi Ikene

Images from the audience